Books and audio to learn
International and Australian English
Discover a world of English learning resources: diverse books and audio for students and educators, featuring international and Australian content.
Teachers say Susan Boyer's resources are ‘useful, easy to use, relevant, interesting - and most of all fun.’
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Key notes and links
- This site is for information about and purchase of Susan Boyer's books and audio resources.
- Students benefit as workbooks have answers included.
- Using Susan's resources teachers can save hours of lesson preparation time.
- This site also incorporates Birrong Books for Susan's historical titles.
- Use the 'Search products' in 'Catalog' to find books with your interest of English learning.
- See Susan's latest title 'Tunnel to Tar-Ra' - her wish was to donate to the Indigenous Literacy Foundation >>

English Language Learning Since 1998
Boyer Educational Resources, founded by the late Susan Boyer, has been a trusted name in English language learning since 1998.
Susan Boyer was a dedicated writer and educator who passionately contributed to the field of English language learning. In early 2022, Susan sadly passed away, but her legacy lives on through the valuable resources she created.
Our catalog includes a wide range of books covering English grammar, pronunciation, spelling, and everyday Australian and international conversation. With accompanying audio, our materials offer practical and effective learning tools for students and teachers alike. Join us on the path to mastering English today and honour Susan Boyer's enduring commitment to education.
Product Range - Overview

Australian English
Understanding Everyday Australian
Three book series which includes:
Student books, teacher books and audio
PDF and MP3 downloads

Beginner English
English Language Skills - Level 1
Student book, teacher book and audio
PDF and MP3 downloads
Word Building Activities for Beginners of English
Book only with PDF download (no audio)

International English
Understanding Spoken English
Three book series which includes:
Student books and teacher books, audio
PDF and MP3 downloads

Pronunciation and Spelling
Student books and teacher books, audio PDF and MP3 downloads
There are multiple resources for this category, including:
- Understanding English Pronunciation
- Spelling and Pronunciation for English Language Learners
- Rhyming Stories
- Phonemic and Vowel sound charts

People in Australia's Past - Stories and Activities (2nd Edition)
(Student and teacher book & audio)
People in Australia's Past is an excellent multipurpose book.
This resource benefits humanities, English and ESOL teachers and students.
Contains 20 stories about people who have shaped Australian history.
Each story is followed by activities such as vocabulary building activites, comprehension questions,
grammar and/or spelling activities.
This resource can be used for self-study as answers are included.
Australian History
Susan Boyer has authored three engaging books about the British First Fleeters settling in Sydney Cove.
The period covered is from 1787, prior to the First Fleet leaving Britain, to the time Governor Arthur Philip left Sydney Cove in 1792.
(Note: The history books have been published by Birrong Books, an imprint division of Boyer Educational Resources)
Susan's three books include:

Tunnel to Tar-Ra
(Published 2024)
Read of the perilous adventures of Oliver, Jemima, Millie and Archie as they explore a tunnel that leads from the cellar of Sydney’s Hero of Waterloo hotel. They exit it in the year 1791. Where are they?
The time travellers have stepped into a living history book. As recorded in journals, letters and reports by the British First Fleet settlers of Sydney Cove they meet Aboriginal and convict people, they witness or hear of events and see the settlement living conditions of those times.
Danger is never far away and Aboriginal youths help conceal the teenagers. There is a flogging, an amputation, and Archie, while under cover, watches as several convicts escape in a boat on a moonless night. During their adventure they see and experience so much more.
And what do Oliver, Jemima, Millie and Archie learn from their incredible journey? Do they make it back home to modern day Sydney?

Across Great Divides - true stories of life at Sydney Cove
Across Great Divides is narrative non-fiction. The stories you read in this book are all true and will take you on a journey into the hearts and minds of those who experienced life Australia's first colony. Stories vividly capture the struggles during the early years: the excitement of discovery, fear of the unknown and the elation of hard won success.
This is also a story of worlds colliding. No two societies were less alike than the British about to land from their ships and the Aboriginal people looking out from the shoreline at the huge winged islands coming in from the sea. In time, meetings between the cultures would be dynamic and varied. The mystery of a new world had begun and the lives of all involved would never be the same again.

Stories of Life at Sydney Cove
'Stories of life at Sydney Cove' follows the success of ‘Across Great Divides’. It is written for younger readers as historical fiction, but the stories are about real people.
When thirteen-year-old convicts, John Hudson and Elizabeth Hayward, are sent to a mysterious land at the end of the world, they have no idea what life holds for them. At Sydney Cove there are no roads, no fences, or buildings… just wilderness.
Later when Indigenous children Nanberry and Boorong come to live with the white strangers, they see life
through different eyes.