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ISBN: 9781877074332
A4 & spiral bound with audio CD
Level: Beginner
Age group: young adult to adult
Other: For teacher or tutor use Answers: No
Audio CD available: Yes (as separate purchase)
Skills practiced: Writing details on a form, buying something at a shop, explaining symptoms to a doctor, talking about likes & dislikes, understanding simple directions, reading & writing a simple story plus much more.
Table of Contents English Language Skills – Level 1 Teacher’s Book
Unit Title and Activities Students will: Page
Numbers activities listen, write, match numbers & words 2–11
Letters activities listen, match capital & lower case letters 12–23
Spelling aloud – English letters and words match letters, words & pictures 24–25
Unit 1 – English Class
Teacher’s Notes on Student’s Book from 26
My class write names and countries 28-29
Name and address match words and pictures 31
Ken’s English Class – questions write answers to questions 32-33
Showing information on a graph – Ken’s class show information on a graph 34
Showing information on a graph – my class show information on a graph 35
Write a short story about you and your class write from a model 36-37
Writing information on a Form write information 38-39
Listen for information/give information role play 40-44
Things in the classroom match words and pictures/things 48-53
Greeting and saying goodbye label pictures 54-55
Write the directions practice giving directions 56
Words and Sounds recognize same & different sounds 57
Unit 2 – Talking about people
Teacher’s Notes on Student’s Book from 58
People words match words and pictures 59
Rona Green find and write answers to questions 61
Writing an address on an envelope address an envelope 62-64
Describing people match descriptions and pictures 65-72
Clothes match words and pictures 73-74
Words and Sounds recognize same & different sounds 75
Talking about photographs talk about pictures 76-77
Unit 3 – Everyday activities
Teacher’s Notes on Student’s Book from 78
+Activities – verbs match words and pictures 80-81
Jobs match words and pictures 82-84
What can you do? survey other students 85 & 86
What do you like doing survey other students 87
Writing about other people write from a model 88-89
Unit 4 – Time and events
Teacher’s Notes on Student’s Book from 90
Time words match words and meaning 91
When is your birthday? show information on a graph 93
Words and Sounds recognize same & different sounds 97-100
Make a calendar write and read dates 100-101
Survey: Favourite month, season, day survey other students 102-103
Survey: your daily routine survey other students 102 & 104
Survey: How often? survey other students 102 & 105
Survey: School days survey other students 106 – 107
Survey: Questions about the past survey other students 106 & 108
Unit 5 – Health and safety
Teacher’s Notes on Student’s Book from 110
Words and Sounds recognize same & different sounds 112-113
Symptoms match words and pictures 114
Medical checkups match words and pictures 115
Reconstructing a dialogue – A visit to the doctor sequence a dialogue 116-117
A visit to the doctor – role play role play 118
Assessment task – A visit to the doctor do a role play assessment 119
Medicine labels read medicine labels 120
Reconstructing a conversation – At the pharmacy sequence a dialogue 121-122
Assessment task – At the pharmacy do a role play assessment 124
Making emergency calls practice emergency calls 125-128
Health Survey 125 & 129
Unit 6 – Shopping and services
Teacher’s Notes on Student’s Book from 130
Words and Sounds recognize same & different sounds 133
Shopping items match words and pictures 134
Bakery items match words and pictures 135 -136
Supermarket words match words and pictures 137
Containers match words and pictures 138
What’s in the fridge? say where things are in a fridge 139 – 141
Buying Lunch role play buying lunch 132 – 133 & 142-145
Garage Sale role play buying and selling 132 & 146-147
Unit 7 – Going places
Teacher’s Notes on Student’s Book from 148
Transport words match words and pictures 151-152
Survey – Ways of Travel survey other students 153-154
Ways of travel – Graph show information on a graph 153 & 155
Train travel match words and pictures 156
Read the train timetable read a timetable 157
Sequencing a process – Buying a ticket sequence a process 158-159
Reading a grid map read a map 158 & 160
At the railway station – Role Play role play buying a train ticket 161-162
Assessment Task – Buying a train ticket 163